Colorado 2019 - Aspen and environs

Marilyn, Maria, and Brendan as we stopped in Glenwood Canyon at a rest area to view the Colorado River. We spent our final day with Brendan and Maria White, our good friends who live in Gypsum, down valley from Vail. We drove there to pick them. Graciously and thankfully, Brendan offered to drive for the day which meant that I would be able to enjoy the scenery rather than focus on driving on unfamiliar roads. Almost as soon as we left, I saw the wisdom in this since we drove through Glenwood Canyon on I-70. It is spectacular. As Brendan said, if there were not an interstate running through it, Glenwood Canyon would have long ago beeen designated as a National Park. Brendan grew up in Buffalo and attended Miami University (Ohio) on a track scholarship. Shortly after that, he moved to Brendan gazing with affection at the Maroon Bells Colorado and began working at Vail on the ski mountain and doing a lot of skiing, mountaineering and ru...